Front Cover
NME uses a variety of codes and conventions to make the magazine what it is. The image used on the front cover is a close up of Gerard Way from the band My Chemical Romance. With the the image been a close-up shot it seems more personal as you are looking right at them and only them, the image also gives off the impression that the main story is more personal and about Gerard Way and not the band, even though the headline says 'My Chemical Romance' its saying it for those who don't know who Gerard Way is. The headline of the magazine is 'Gerard sees red MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE "we loathe what goth has become", the last bit is in quotes because it must be something Gerard actually said whilst been interviewed. He's saying how he is disgusted with what goth has become, which would be the kicker of the magazine. The disgust goes with the first part of the headline saying "Gerard sees red" which possibly could mean slight anger. Even though the photo on the front cover is of Gerard Way, the name of the band "My chemical romance" is bigger and stands out more than the rest of the headline because the band is popular and people who don't know the lead singers name, they will definitely know the name of the band. Gerard Way been on the front cover of the magazine represents the type of genre of music the magazine involves. So the band will appeal to rock/indie music lovers. The colour or Gerard Ways hair also represents the genre. He looks very individual and different and people like that. The splash of the magazine is simple, but eye catching. The Blue in the background is quite bright so that catches peoples eye and the fact its a close up or Gerard Way his bright red hair will stand out more. The magazine will have been produced by the company NME and also the publisher has something to do with the institution in this case the publisher been IPC. NME will not be the only magazine that IPC publishes, there will be many other magazines off different genres to suit different people so the publishers will get ore of profit.
The magazine has been produced to keep people up to date in the rock world. Also to inspire people. People look up to rock stars and will be wanting to know things about them and will want to find out ways to look like them. NME are also having a tour, and the live up is been revealed in this magazine so anybody going to the concert will want to know who the acts are.
The target audience for NME magazine would be anybody who likes rock and indie music. With Gerard Way been on it gives it away that the music is a rock magazine because he is a symbol of rock. People who are fans of My Chemical Romance will probably buy the magazine because they will want to know every single bit of detail about the band. The way Gerard looks is also a good way of showing the certain audience, Gerard looking individual because of his brightly coloured hair.
Individuality is represented on the front cover of this magazine. Gerard makes been individual look good with his hair. Gerard is also representing the rock genre because he is the lead singer from the band My Chemical Romance which is a well known rock band.
Contents Page
NME magazine includes a contents page. This page has many things on it that help the reader find what they want easily and really quick. The contents page helps you get to the page you want by having lists of page numbers with the names of the story next to them so the page can be identified, then you can simply flick to the page number you want and it will give you the information you are interested in. The contents page also includes images which usually relate to stories that are in the magazine and the images also relate to the type of genre that the magazine is, which in this case is indie/rock. Down the left hand side of the page it gives you a band index which is a list of the bands that are included in the magazine. It also gives you the page numbers that these bands are mentioned on, so that would make it easier to flick to pages to read about your favourite band if they happen to be in that list. On the right hand side of the page are more page numbers for the main stories that are involved in this magazine. The main pages of the magazine are sectioned into five groups which are 'news, radar, reviews, live! and features'. In the center of the contents page there is a section on the band oasis, so oasis must be the main band mentioned in this music magazine. The center section includes images of two of the band members, and there is also a headline that says 'Oasis kicked off their world tour' which goes with why the images used are of them are them performing. Underneath the images is a paragraph about the bands new album that is coming out. At the top of the page is the masthead of the magazine 'NME'. It is different to the masthead on the front cover as it is the actual NME logo that is used on every NME product. At the top of the magazine it says ' this week' along with the date so you know how old/new the news inside is and it stands out with the large font so it is easily noticed. The splash of this contents page is simple and easy to understand. The house style consists on three colours which are white, red and black, these colours all go with the NME logo. Bold text and high lighting is used to help text stand out. There is a regular used on this contents page and that is the advert getting you to subscribe to NME and save money on the magazines. The contents page is presented neatly so it is very easy for the reader to use and understand by using all the typical conventions such as pages, numbers, regulars and features.
The institution of NME magazine is IPC , NME are also apart of the institution. NME will not be the only magazine that IPC produces.
The ideological view behind the NME contents page is to make it easier and quicker for people to find what they want.
NME magazines target audience would be suitable for teens and young/middle aged adults because of the style of the contents page also the bands used would appeal to them people.
The target audience is represented on this contents page because of the genre that the magazine is. The bands used usually seem the represent the audience because of there style. People tend to look up to there styles and try to look like them. The bands are also been represented, they are been promoted and there genre is been represented. IPC the publisher is also been represented.
Double Page Spread
NME includes a double page spread which is usually an interview or pages that introduce the featured/main artist of the magazine. This double page spread has one large image or Gerard Way performing and 3 smaller images of the band in the recording studio which is what the interview is about. There is a quote from the interview and then there is a brief description of the interview. With the main image been of Gerard Way performing it gives an insight on what he looks like performing and also the main image is of Gerard Way because he is the front man. There is a pull quote used on the double page spread and that would be the quote "were being the best MCR we can be" which makes the reader want to read on. The brief description gives the reader a quick insight of the interview and makes the reader want to find out more of whats going on.
NME magazine is published weekly by IPC. NME will not be the only magazine published within the company. They also publish LOOK magazine which is a fashion magazine along with many more which give the company more profit as there will be more of an audience.
The ideological view of NME's double page spread is to introduce the interview of the featured artist . It has to inform, persuade and lock the reader in to wanting to read more into the article. the want the audience to be interested and enjoy the article.
The target audience for teen/indie/ any one who likes modern rock sort of people. This article would interest my chemical romance fans. The images used on the double page spread always go with the front cover of the magazine and always relate to the type of genre that the magazine is which is usually the genre for the people that read it (indie). MCR have been interviewed for the double page spread this is because they are well known and will inspire the audience.
The double page spread represents its target audience by using images and features that relate to the genre of music. The double page spread also represents the band as the band represents the genre of music the audience likes. The artists are also represented and the magazine has to make there representation good.
My Chemical Romance - NA NA NA
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