Monday 18 October 2010


The image used for the front cover of this college magazine is a mid shot. The image shows what it needs to and by looking at it you automatically recognise that the main story of the magazine is to do with science. You can also tell this because of the headline that says "doing science at beloit" which must mean there is going to be information on the certain course that the college provides. In the frame of the image there is a space above the girls head, this was so when it came to editing the image there would be enough room to put a masthead that is easily noticed, there is also the date on the magazine so you know if the magazine is new or old.

This magazine will have been produced by Beloit College.The magazine is showing a student doing a science experiment to give away that the magazine's main story is going to be about the science course at the college. It also give the impression that science is for anyone, because usually a Caucasian male would have been selected as they are seen as more likely to be doing work to do with science, but the image used shows that science is also suitable for females and anyone from a different race.

This magazine has been produced to get people to read about doing science at Beloit college. It is to educate people about the course and also to persuade them to do science, going back to the image on the cover it's basically saying science is for anyone, anyone can do it.

The target audience for this magazine is students or someone looking to go to Beloit college. You can tell it is for students because the image is of a student and the main story is about doing science at the college so this magazine in-particular is trying to persuade students to do science.

The students and college are been represented. The student on the cover of the magazine looks like she is taking an interest in the subject, which will make the college look good as students are taking interest. Also the student used represents that any one can do the course that is the main story of the magazine, no matter what your gender or race is, so this also gives a good impression on the college.

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