Friday 15 October 2010


Language:-  What terminology was used? How was the text put together?
Language relevant for my magazine will be camera angles, editing and lightning. Camera angles are important with  this project because for my front cover I have to have  a mid-shot close up of person that has to be and image I have taken. The magazine will be put together on adobe Photoshop were I will edit the image I take and will add a masthead and a headline.      

Institution:- who produced the text?
A magazine would usually have a company, my college magazine does not have a company. The magazine is a wyke magazine so it is for education matters and is produced by the college to promote students and staff to get involved in events that are happening.

Ideology:- Ideology is a system of shared ideas and beliefs and is also our values and morals.
The ideas of a college magazine is to persuade the target audience to read. The beliefs are to represent education along with a variety of different subjects and ideas within a college.

Audience:- Who is the text aimed at?
With the text been a college magazine, it will be aimed at college students and college staff. The magazine will be used to promote college events and to educate the audience.

Representation:- Who/what/where is represented?
Wyke college, the students and the staff will be represented in the college magazine. The magazine will need to be represented in a way that makes the college look good.

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